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Welcome to our journal.
Over the years we have been asked to write blogs about our travels and our rescued animals. We definitely have enough stories to keep the masses entertained for days so we thought we would start sharing our experiences and stories with our friends and followers.
Our journal will be mostly about our favorite picking/traveling experiences, the rescued/acquired animals that will live out their lives on our 80 acre sanctuary and we’ve included a blog for Rog Projects. If you have followed us over the years, you know Rog is a HUGE part of the market…even though he tries his hardest to remain behind the scenes. Rog is Jen’s dad/Vicki’s husband and he is the master creator and fixer of so many of the items you will find at the market. He is also the reason we were able to relocate our market from Michigan to our farm in Westville, IN.
We use hashtags like #rogprojects #saverog #poorrog on a lot of our posts and it has become a joke with family and friends. We hope you enjoy our stories and we look forward to adding more entries soon.